Problem You want to boost application performance by loading data from a cache and prevent the network trip to the persistent store (and also the query execution). This can be achieved by loading data from a cache. However, you want to load data on demand or lazily. Also, you want the application to control the cache data management – loading, eviction, and retrieval. Forces Improve performance by loading data from cache lazily. Application code controls cache data management. The underlying caching system does not provide read-through, write-through/write-behind strategies (strange really ??). Solution Use cache aside design pattern to solve the problems outlined above. This is also one of many caching patterns/strategies. I believe it is named in this because aside from managing the data store, application code is responsible for managing the cache also. Let's now try to understand how this caching technique works and then explore how it solves the proble...
Setup and Configure Spring Cloud Config Server Project Spring Cloud Config Server is just another Spring Boot application. It provides several infrastructure micro services to centralize access to configuration information backed by a version controlled (well at least in the case of default GIT storage) repository. Step 1 - Create a Spring Boot project in STS with the dependencies shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 - Creating Spring Boot project to setup Spring Cloud Config Server Figure 2 - Spring Cloud Config Server dependencies Click on 'Finish' to complete the creation of the Spring Boot project in STS. The build.gradle file is shown in listing below. There is only one dependency to the Spring Cloud Config Server. Also Spring Cloud release train 'Dalston.SR1'. Step 2 - Annotate the class containing main method The next step is to annotate the ConfigServerInfraApplication class with @EnableConfigServer That's all is needed on the Java si...