The examples so far only deal with single table. But it is very much possible to join multiple tables and still use this mapper. As an example consider three entities as shown below: T_REPOSITORY REPOSITORY_ID int REPOSITORY_NAME varchar CONNECTOR_ID int T_CONNECTOR CONNECTOR_ID int CONNECTOR_NAME varchar URL varchar OWNER_ID int T_OWNER OWNER_ID int OWNER_NAME varchar OWNER_KEY varchar The relationship is clear - a repository has a connector and a connector has a owner. So how can you populate a Repository object containing a Connector Object which in turn has an Owner object. This is just simple. Execute this query. SELECT r.repository_id "repositoryId", r.repository_name "repositoryName", c.connector_id "connector.connectorId", c.connector_name "connector.connectorName", c.url "connector.url", o.owner_id "connector.owner.ownerId", o.owner_name "connector.owner.ownerName...
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein