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Showing posts from 2011

Installing Spring Dynamic Module 2.0 on Apache Felix 3 in a hurry

As I mentioned in my posts on Web-plug, I did not consider OSGi or Spring DM at that time because of learning curve and lack of time. But web-plug also has its own set of limitations. Versioning is a big issue for example. I did not try to extend the classloader of Tomcat for this. But off late OSGi and Spring DM has caught my attention again, as I have some time to focus on something new. Also I find that some really good and highly detailed books are out there in the market.So documentation is now reaching the state where it should be for a new technology and framework to be easily and widely acceptable. Now I picked up – Spring Dynamic Module in Action (Manning, 2010). Its a wonderful book as most of them that I have read in Manning’s in Action series. This is a must read book. Please buy it and do not dowload a pirated e-book. The authors and publications take lot of pain in producing a good book. The examples in this book are based on Equinox OSGi container. I thought of using th...