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Part 1 - Setting up the project continued

Step 3 - Include Twitter Bootstrap CSS

I have splitted this into multiple post as I want the readers to take this easy paced and not rushed. I have an index.jsp which is not redirecting to the index.html. I will take care of this later. Now we need to setup Twitter Bootstrap CSS - currently the most comprehensive and best CSS framework / library available.I am using the latest version 2.1.1. The css, images and js are placed in the webapp/assets folder of the Maven web project. This is shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Bootstrap CSS

Step 4 - Create controller

Now quickly create a controller class as shown in listing below:

package com.effectivcrm.controller;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

* @author Dhrubo
* 07-Sep-2012
public class GuestController {

public String gotoSignIn(){
return "signin";

public String authentication(){
return "home";

Keeping the bigger goal of modularitly I have already setup the dispatcher servlet to load Spring configuration file by scanning the classpath. This can be noted in the web.xml configuration. Also later I will move the assets and controller to separate jars to achieve this.


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