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Part 1 - Setup the basic project and tools

I am assuming that STS is successfully setup with the Maven and Subclipse plugins. I am running my STS On Ubuntu 10 platform. Some of you may have problems with Subclipse Native connector, just change that to use pure java SVNKit instead.I am sorry I am not going through the design architecture phase but straightway jumping into the project. This is intentional as my goal is see how easy or difficult it is to create a Spring 3 web application progressibly which is highly pluggable, easy to extend, customize and manage.

Launch STS and create a maven web project using (maven-archetype-webapp). The project was named ecrm.

Step 1 : Modify the pom file as shown below:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


<!-- ~~~~~~ -->
<!-- System -->
<!-- ~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Version dependencies when used in multiple dependencies -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Variables substituted in resources file at build time -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->


<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- List your specific dependencies below -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->

<!-- ~~~~~~ -->
<!-- LOGGER -->
<!-- ~~~~~~ -->

<!-- ~~~~~~ -->
<!-- SPRING -->
<!-- ~~~~~~ -->


<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->


<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- SPRING MVC -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->


<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->





<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->


<name>SpringSource Repository</name>






Step 2: Modify the web.xml to support Servlet 3.0 on Tomcat 7.x

<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Log4j -->


<!-- Log4j listerner -->

<servlet-name>Spring MVC 3 Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Spring MVC 3 Servlet</servlet-name>


Note dispatcher servlet parameter contextConfigLocation. It sets up the dispatcher servlet to load configuration files from classpath in a modular way. Thats is from respective jars - for view, controllers, service, domain, repository etc.

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