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Part 3 - Enhancing the view layer - Creating the screen prototypes & dyna form

We now have a more or less stable version 0.0.2. You can find it in tagged version 0.0.2 on SVN.

Now I will try to create the prototypes for our views. We can do that creating new Thymeleaf templates. One big advantage of Thymeleaf is that it supports natural templating so you can view it easily on the browser offline i.e without running it on Tomcat. Unfortunately we have already lost that advantage as our css,images, and js are packed in jar. But it should not be a big deterrent to our prototyping effort. Its a lightweight application and we can run it on Tomcat and view the changes quickly.

I will also sacrifice the natural templating feature of Thymeleaf for another reason. I want flexible forms driven by meta data --- Hibernate annotations of the domain objects or may be database driven forms. Hence I will extend Thymeleaf to support additional dialects to create a new tag -- "datatable". Also this form will be driven by custom actions / buttons all configurable. The new createlead.html is ready and available on SVN. It is shown in listing below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""

<head th:include="common :: headerFragment">

<title >effectiv:Home</title>



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<legend>New Lead</legend>

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<input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Email"></input>

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<label class="control-label" for="firstName">First Name</label>
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<input type="text" id="firstName" placeholder="First Name"></input>




<p>&copy; Company 2012</p>


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More on this dynamic form in the next edition, stay tuned.



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